Radar Systems & Remote Sensing LaboratorySCHOOL OF ELECTRICAL & COMPUTER ENGINEERING National Technical University of Athens |
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Books S. Pintzos and P. Frangos, ‘Radar Systems’, 520 pages (typewritten text), School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, May 2022 (main text to be taught at the undergraduate course ‘Radar Systems and Remote Sensing’, 9th semester of the above Department / School). P. Frangos and A. Malamou, ‘Electric Circuits’, 455 pages, in Greek, Tsotras Publishing Company, Athens, 2016. P. Frangos, ‘Electromagnetic Methods for Remote Sensing’, Graduate textbook, 248 pages, Papasotiriou Publishing Company, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, 1999. Journals S. Almpani, P. Stefaneas and P. Frangos, ‘Formalization of Ethical Decision Making: Implementation in the Data Privacy of Wearable Robots’, International Journal of Extreme Automation and Connectivity in Healthcare, Vol. 5, No. 1, Article 88, 13 pages, ISSN : 2577-4794, 2023. S. Sautbekov, P. Frangos, S. Bourgiotis, M. Pshikov, ‘Radiation by a Nano–Ring’, Journal of Applied Electromagnetism (JAE), Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 1 – 7, June 2023. A. Kotopoulis, B. Massinas, G. Pouraimis and P. Frangos, ‘Sea State Characterization using Experimental Synthetic Aperture Radar Raw Data in Two-Dimensions and the Modified Fractal Signature Method’, ‘Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika’ Journal, accepted for publication, May 2022. S. Almpani, Y. Kiouvrekis, P. Stefaneas and P. Frangos, ‘Computational Argumentation for Medical Device Regulatory Classification’, International Journal on AI tools, World Scientific, accepted for publication, 2021. S. Bourgiotis, P. Frangos, S. Sautbekov, M. Pshikov, ‘The Evaluation of an Asymptotic Solution to the Sommerfeld Radiation Problem using an Efficient Method for the Calculation of Sommerfeld Integrals in the Spectral Domain’, Special Issue on ‘Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves in Terrestrial Environment for Applications in Wireless Telecommunications and Radar Systems’, Electronics, 10(11), 2021. ISSN 2079-9292. DOI: 10.3390/electronics10111339. G. Pouraimis, A. Kotopoulis, B. Massinas and P. Frangos, ‘Sea State Characterization using Experimental One – Dimensional Radar Signatures and Fractal Techniques’, ‘Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika’ Journal, Vol. 27, No. 3, May/June of 2021. Sofia Almpani, Petros Stefaneas, Harold Boley, Theodoros Mitsikas and Panayiotis Frangos, ‘A Rule-Based Model for Compliance of Medical Devices Applied to the European Market’, International Journal of Extreme Automation and Connectivity in Healthcare (IJEACH), IGI Global, 2019. Seil Sautbekov, Sotiris Bourgiotis, Ariadni Chrysostomou and Panayiotis Frangos, ‘A Novel Asymptotic Solution to the Sommerfeld Radiation Problem: Analytic field expressions and the emergence of the Surface Waves’, ‘Progress in Electromagnetics Research M’ Journal (‘PIER M’), Vol. 64, pp. 9-22, 2018. G. Pouraimis, A. Kotopoulis, E. Kallitsis and P. Frangos, ‘Characterization of Three – Dimensional Rough Fractal Surfaces from Backscattered Radar Data’, accepted by ‘Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika’ Journal, April 2017. A. Kotopoulis, A. Malamou, G. Pouraimis, E. Kallitsis and P. Frangos, ‘Characterization of Rough Fractal Surfaces from Backscattered Radar Data’, ‘Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika’ Journal, ISSN 1392 – 1215, Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 61-66, 2016. G. Bebrov, S.Bourgiotis, A. Chrysostomou, S. Sautbekov and P. Frangos, ‘The radiation problem from a vertical short dipole antenna above flat and lossy ground: validation of novel spectral domain analytic solution in the high frequency regime and comparison to empirical terrain propagation models’, Journal of Applied Electromagnetism (JAE), Vol. 19, No. 1, 2016, pp. 25-32. A. Chrysostomou, S. Bourgiotis, S.Sautbekov, K. Ioannidi and P. Frangos, ‘Radiation of a Vertical Dipole Antenna over Flat and Lossy Ground: Accurate Electromagnetic Field Calculation using the Spectral Domain Approach along with Redefined Integral Representations and corresponding Novel Analytical Solution’, ‘Electronics and Electrical Engineering’ Journal, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 54-61, 2016. S. Bourgiotis, A. Chrysostomou, K. Ioannidi, S.Sautbekov and P. Frangos, ‘Radiation of a Vertical Dipole over Flat and Lossy Ground using the Spectral Domain Approach: Comparison of Stationary Phase Method Analytical Solution with Numerical Integration Results’, ‘Electronics and Electrical Engineering’ Journal, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 38-41, 2015. K. Ksystra, N. Triantafyllou, P. Stefaneas and P. Frangos, ‘An algebraic framework for the verification of context – aware adaptive systems’, International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 25, No. 7, pp. 1105 – 1128, September 2015. K. Ioannidi, Ch. Christakis, S. Sautbekov, P. Frangos, and S. K. Atanov, The Radiation Problem from a Vertical Hertzian Dipole Antenna above Flat and Lossy Ground: Novel Formulation in the Spectral Domain with Closed-Form Analytical Solution in the High Frequency Regime, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Vol 2014, Hindawi Publishing Corporation. Ch. Christakis, K. Ioannidi, S.Sautbekov, P. Frangos and S.K. Atanov, The Radiation Problem from a Vertical Short Dipole Antenna above Flat and Lossy Ground : Novel Formulation in the Spectral Domain with Closed – Form Analytical Solution in the High Frequency Regime, Electronics and Electrical Engineering Journal, Vol. 20, No. 9, pp. 35 – 38, November 2014. A. Malamou, C. Pandis, P. Frangos, P. Stefaneas, A. Karakasiliotis and D. Kodokostas, ‘Application of the Modified Fractal Signature Method for Terrain Classification from Synthetic Aperture Radar Images’, Electronics and Electrical Engineering Journal, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 118 – 121, 2014. E. D. Kallitsis, A. V. Karakasiliotis and P. V. Frangos, ’Inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) imaging: a novel fine range profile alignment method for air target slant range rotational motion compensation’, Journal of Applied Electromagnetism (JAE), Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 28 – 45, June 2014. A. Malamou, A. Karakasiliotis, E. Kallitsis, G. Boultadakis, and P. Frangos, ’Application of a Fully Automatic Autofocusing Algorithm for Post – Processing of Synthetic Aperture Radar Images based on Image Entropy Minimization’, Electronics and Electrical Engineering Journal, Vol. 19, No. 6, June 2013, pp. 95 – 98. N. Triantafyllou, K. Ksystra, P. Stefaneas and P. Frangos: ‘Proof Carrying Code using Algebraic Specifications’, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Bioinformatics, (JAMB), Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 43 – 56, 2013. N. Triantafyllou, P. Stefaneas and P. Frangos, ’An Algorithm for Allocating User Requests to Licenses in the OMA DRM System’, IEICE Transactions on undamentals of Electronics, Communication and Computer Sciences, accepted for publication in December 2012. E. D. Kallitsis, A. V. Karakasiliotis, G. E. Boultadakis, P. V. Frangos, ‘A Fully Automatic Autofocusing Algorithm for Post-processing ISAR Imaging based on Image Entropy Minimization’, ‘Electronics and Electrical Engineering’ Journal, No. 4 (110), April 2011, pp. 125 – 130. Ch. G. Moschovitis, H. T. Anastassiu, and P. V. Frangos, ‘Scattering of electromagnetic waves from a rectangular plate using an Extended Stationary Phase Method based on Fresnel functions (SPM-F)’, Progress In Electromagnetics Research (PIER), Vol. PIER 107, pp. 63-99, August 2010. A. Doukeli, A. Lioumpas, G. Karagiannidis and P. Frangos, ‘Increasing the Efficiency of Rake Receivers for Ultra-Wideband Applications’, ‘Wireless Personal Communications’ Journal, accepted July 2010. G. K. Kalognomos, G. E. Boultadakis, A. V. Karakasiliotis and P. V. Frangos, ‘Performance Analysis of a Parameterized APES (PAPES) Spectrum Estimation Method for ISAR Applications’, ‘Electronics and Electrical Engineering’ Journal, No. 3 (99), March 2010. Ch. Moschovitis, K. Karakatselos, E. Papkelis, H. Anastassiu, I. Ouranos, A. Tzoulis and P. Frangos, ‘High Frequency Analytical Model for Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves from a Perfect Electric Conductor Plate using an Enhanced Stationary Phase Method Approximation’, IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 58, No. 1, pp. 233 – 238, January 2010. S. S. Sautbekov, I. A. Kanymgazieva and P. Frangos, ‘Radiation of electric and magnetic dipole antennas in magnetically anisotropic media’, ‘Electronics and Electrical Engineering’ Journal, Vol. 97, No. 1, January 2010. S. Sautbekov and P. Frangos, ‘Directivity diagrams of the magnetic moment of a dipole in the anisotropic medium’, Journal of Applied Electromagnetism (JAE), Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 28 – 34, June 2009. G. E. Boultadakis, G. K. Kalognomos, L. K. Stergioulas, A. V. Karakasiliotis, and P. V. Frangos, ‘A Comparative Study of Bilinear Time–Frequency Transforms of ISAR Signals for Air Target Imaging’, ‘Electronics and Electrical Engineering’ Journal, Vol. 92, Nr. 4, pp. 87 – 92, 2009. S. Sautbekov, I. Kanymgazieva and P. Frangos, ‘The generalized solutions of Maxwell equations for the uniaxial crystal’, Journal of Applied Electromagnetism (JAE), December 2008 issue, pp. 43 – 55. H. Moshovitis, H. Anastassiu and P. Frangos, ‘Calculation results of scattering of electromagnetic waves from rectangular perfectly conducting plate using an extended three dimensional Stationary Phase Method which is based on Fresnel functions (SPM-F)’, Journal of Applied Electromagnetism (JAE), December 2008 issue, pp. 68 – 77. E. Papkelis, H. Anastassiu and P. Frangos, ’A time – efficient near – field scattering method applied to radio – coverage simulation in urban microcellular environments’, IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 56, No. 10, pp. 3359 – 3363, October 2008. A. V. Karakasiliotis, A. D. Lazarov, P. V. Frangos, G. Boultadakis and G. Kalognomos, ‘Two-dimensional ISAR Model and Image Reconstruction with Stepped Frequency Modulated Signal’, IET Signal Processing Journal, Special Issue on ‘ISAR Signal Processing Techniques and Feature Extraction’, Vol. 2, Issue 3, pp. 277 – 290, September 2008. A. V. Karakasiliotis, G. Boultadakis , A. D. Lazarov, and P. V. Frangos, ‘High-Resolution Stepped Frequency Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging Using Time-Frequency Transforms’, Journal of Applied Electromagnetism (JAE), June 2008 issue. A. Karakasiliotis and P. Frangos, ‘Decimative Spectrum Estimation Method for High – Resolution Radar Parameter Estimates’, Journal of Applied Electromagnetism (JAE), Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 88-97, December 2007. Iakovos Ouranos, Petros Stefaneas and Panayiotis Frangos, ‘An Algebraic Framework for Modeling of Mobile Systems’, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communication and Computer Sciences, Vol. E90-A, No. 9, pp. 1986-1999, September 2007. E. Papkelis, I. Psarros, I. Ouranos, Ch. Moschovitis, K. Karakatselos, E. Vagenas, H. Anastassiu and P. Frangos, ’A Radio Coverage Prediction Model in Wireless Comminication Systems based on Physical Optics and Physical Theory of Diffraction’, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 49, No. 2, pp. 156 – 165, April 2007. International Conferences and Scientific Working Groups S. Sautbekov, P. Frangos, F. Karagiannopoulos, B. Massinas and N. Moraitis, ‘Radiation of a vertical Hertzian dipole above a lossless medium with flat interface: Calculation of the transmitted Electromagnetic (EM) field by using a Geometrical Optics (GO) novel image theory approach’, CEMA’24 Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria, 21/10/2024. N. Moraitis, P. Frangos, I. Popescu, A. Rogaris and S. Sautbekov, ‘Flat Terrain Measurements and Path Loss Models at 1.0 and 1.5 GHz’, CEMA’24 Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria, 21/10/2024. A. Kotopoulis, B. Massinas, G. Pouraimis and P. Frangos, ‘Sea State Characterization using Experimental Synthetic Aperture Radar Raw Data in Two-Dimensions and the Modified Fractal Signature Method’, ‘Electronics 2022’ Conference, Palanga, Lithuania, June 13 – 15, 2022. G. Pouraimis, A. Kotopoulis and P. Frangos, ‘Sea State Characterization using Normalized Experimental One – Dimensional Radar Signatures and Fractal Techniques’, CEMA’21 Conference by ‘webex’, Athens, Greece, 21/10/2021. G. Pouraimis, A. Kotopoulis, B. Massinas and P. Frangos, ‘Sea State Characterization using Experimental One – Dimensional Radar Signatures and Fractal Techniques’, Electronics’2021 Conference (‘On-line Conference’), Lithuania, 14-16/6/2021 (Best Presentation Award for P. Frangos). N. Ampilova, I. Soloviev, A. Kotopoulis, G. Pouraimis and P. Frangos, ‘On the application of multifractal methods for the analysis of sea surface images related to sea state determination’, CEMA’19 Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria, 17 - 18/10/2019. G. Pouraimis, A. Kotopoulis, N. Ampilova, I. Soloviev, E. Kallitsis and P. Frangos, ‘Sea state determination using normalized experimental one – dimensional radar signatures at X-band and fractal techniques’, CEMA’19 Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria, 17 - 18/10/2019. G. Pouraimis, A. Kotopoulis, Th. Lymperopoulos, N. Ampilova, I. Soloviev, E. Kallitsis and P. Frangos, ‘Sea state characterization using experimental one – dimensional radar signatures at X-band and fractal techniques’, CEMA’18 Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria, 18-20/10/2018. S. Bourgiotis, L. Dimopoulos, Th. Lymperopoulos, A.Chrysostomou, S. Sautbekov and P. Frangos, ' Radiation of vertical dipole antennas over flat and lossy terrain : a novel efficient method for the accurate numerical calculation of the Sommerfeld integrals in the spectral domain', CEMA’18 Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria, 18-20/10/2018. A. Kotopoulis, G. Pouraimis, A. Malamou, E. Kallitsis, and P. Frangos, ‘Characterization of rough surfaces from backscattered SAR radar data in noisy conditions’, SET 215 meeting, Athens, Greece, 9-10/11/2016. G. Bebrov, S.Bourgiotis, A. Chrysostomou, S. Sautbekov and P. Frangos, ‘The radiation problem from a vertical short dipole antenna above flat and lossy ground: validation of novel spectral domain analytic solution in the high frequency regime and comparison to empirical terrain propagation models’, CEMA’16 Conference, Athens, Greece, 13-15/10/2016. A. Kotopoulis, G. Pouraimis, A. Malamou, E. Kallitsis, and P. Frangos, ‘Characterization of fractal rough surfaces from backscattered radar data’, CEMA’16 Conference, Athens, Greece, 13-15/10/2016. A. Chrysostomou, S. Bourgiotis, S.Sautbekov, K. Ioannidi and P. Frangos, ‘Radiation of a Vertical Dipole Antenna over Flat and Lossy Ground: Accurate Electromagnetic Field Calculation using the Spectral Domain Approach along with Redefined Integral Representations and corresponding Novel Analytical Solution’, presentation at the ‘West Pomeranian Technical University’, ‘Electronics 2016’ Conference, Palanga, Lithuania, 13-15/6/2016. A. Kotopoulis, G. Pouraimis, A. Malamou, E. Kallitsis, and P. Frangos, ‘Characterization of fractal rough surfaces from backscattered radar data’, ‘Electronics 2016’ Conference, Palanga, Lithuania, 13-15/6/2016. A. Chrysostomou, S. Bourgiotis, S.Sautbekov, K. Ioannidi and P. Frangos, ‘Radiation of a Vertical Dipole Antenna over Flat and Lossy Ground: Accurate Electromagnetic Field Calculation using the Spectral Domain Approach along with Redefined Integral Representations and corresponding Novel Analytical Solution’, presentation at the ‘West Pomeranian Technical University’, Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Szczecin, Poland, April 2016. A. Chrysostomou, S. Bourgiotis, S.Sautbekov, K. Ioannidi and P. Frangos, ‘Radiation of a Vertical Dipole Antenna over Flat and Lossy Ground: Accurate Electromagnetic Field Calculation using the Spectral Domain Approach along with Redefined Integral Representations and corresponding Novel Analytical Solution’, presentation at the ‘Military University of V. Turnovo’, Bulgaria, April 2016. A. Kotopoulis, G. Pouraimis, A. Malamou, E. Kallitsis, and P. Frangos, ‘Characterization of fractal rough surfaces from backscattered radar data’, SET 215 Working Group on ‘SAR radar techniques’, Constantinople, Turkey, 15 – 16/12/2015. A. Chrysostomou, S. Bourgiotis, S.Sautbekov, K. Ioannidi and P. Frangos, ‘Radiation of a Vertical Dipole Antenna over Flat and Lossy Ground: Accurate Electromagnetic Field Calculation using the Spectral Domain Approach along with Redefined Integral Representations and corresponding Novel Analytical Solution’, p resentation at the ‘West Pomeranian Technical University’, Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Szczecin, Poland, April 2016. A. Chrysostomou, S. Bourgiotis, S.Sautbekov, K. Ioannidi and P. Frangos, ‘Radiation of a Vertical Dipole Antenna over Flat and Lossy Ground: Accurate Electromagnetic Field Calculation using the Spectral Domain Approach along with Redefined Integral Representations and corresponding Novel Analytical Solution’, presentation at the ‘Military University of V. Turnovo’, Bulgaria, April 2016. A. Kotopoulis, G. Pouraimis, A. Malamou, E. Kallitsis, and P. Frangos, ‘An Autofocusing Post-Processing Algorithm for SAR Image Optimization based on Image Entropy Minimization - Modified Fractal Signature (MFS) Method for SAR Terrain Classification’, SET 215 Working Group on ‘SAR radar techniques’, Rennes, France, June 28 – July 1, 2015. A. Kotopoulis, G. Pouraimis, A. Malamou, E. Kallitsis, and P. Frangos, ‘An Autofocusing Post-Processing Algorithm for SAR Image Optimization based on Image Entropy Minimization - Modified Fractal Signature (MFS) Method for SAR Terrain Classification’, SET 215 Working Group on ‘SAR radar techniques’, Rennes, France, June 28 – July 1, 2015. S. Bourgiotis, A. Chrysostomou, K. Ioannidi, S. Sautbekov and P. Frangos, ‘The Radiation Problem from a Vertical Short Dipole Antenna above Flat and Lossy Ground: Novel Formulation in the Spectral Domain with Closed – Form Analytical Solution in the High Frequency Regime’, ‘Electronics 2015’ Conference, Palanga, Lithuania, 15-17/6/2015. S. Bourgiotis, A. Chrysostomou, K. Ioannidi, S. Sautbekov and P. Frangos, ‘The Radiation Problem from a Vertical Short Dipole Antenna above Flat and Lossy Ground: Novel Formulation in the Spectral Domain with Closed – Form Analytical Solution in the High Frequency Regime’, presentation at the Technical University of Varna, 4/6/2015 S. Bourgiotis, K. Ioannidi, Ch. Christakis, S.Sautbekov and P. Frangos, ‘The Radiation Problem from a Vertical Short Dipole Antenna above Flat and Lossy Ground: Novel Formulation in the Spectral Domain with Numerical Solution and Closed – Form Analytical Solution in the High Frequency Regime’, CEMA’14 Conference, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria, October 2014. A. Malamou, C. Pandis, P. Frangos and P. Stefaneas,‘SAR image terrain classification using the Modified Fractal Signature (MFS) method’, CEMA’14 Conference, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria, October 2014. E. Kallitsis, A. Karakasiliotis, A. Kotopoulis and P. Frangos, ‘DESED enhanced slant range rotational motion compensation algorithm for a novel fine range profile alignment in air – target imaging‘, CEMA’14 Conference, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria, October 2014. A. Malamou and P. Frangos, ‘Application of the Modified Fractal Signature Method for Terrain Classification from Synthetic Aperture Radar Images’, SET 163 Working Group, ONERA, Paris, 28-30/4/2014. Ch. Christakis, K. Ioannidi, S.Sautbekov, P. Frangos and S.K. Atanov, ‘The Radiation Problem from a Vertical Short Dipole Antenna above Flat and Lossy Ground: Novel Formulation in the Spectral Domain with Closed – Form Analytical Solution in the High Frequency Regime’, ‘Electronics 2014’ Conference, 16-18/6/2014, Palanga, Lithuania. A. Malamou, C. Pandis, P. Frangos, P. Stefaneas, A. Karakasiliotis and D. Kodokostas, ‘Application of the Modified Fractal Signature Method for Terrain Classification from Synthetic Aperture Radar Images’, ‘Electronics 2014’ Conference, 16-18/6/2014, Palanga, Lithuania. S. Sautbekov, P. Frangos, Ch. Christakis and K. Ioannidi, ‘A novel closed – form analytical solution to the radiation problem from a vertical short dipole antenna above flat ground using spectral domain approach’, CEMA’13 Conference, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria, October 2013. A. Malamou, C. Pandis, A. Karakasiliotis, P. Stefaneas, D. Kodokostas and P. Frangos, ‘Application of an Autofocusing Algorithm for SAR Image Quality Improvement and Application of the Modified Fractal Signature (MFS) Method for SAR Image Classification for the case of Real Radar Data’, CEMA’13 Conference, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria, October 2013. S. Sautbekov, P. Frangos, Ch. Christakis and K. Ioannidi, ‘A novel closed – form analytical solution to the radiation problem from a vertical short dipole antenna above flat ground using spectral domain approach’, ICEAA Conference, Torino, Italy, September 2013. A. Malamou, A. Karakasiliotis, E. Kallitsis, G. Boultadakis, and P. Frangos, ’Application of a Fully Automatic Autofocusing Algorithm for Post – Processing of Synthetic Aperture Radar Images based on Image Entropy Minimization’, ‘Electronics 2013’ International Conference, Palanga, Lithuania, 17-19/6/2013. A. Malamou, A. Karakasiliotis, E. Kallitsis and P. Frangos, ‘An Autofocusing Post-Processing Algorithm For SAR Image Optimization based on Image Entropy Minimization’, SET 163 Working Group, Ottawa, Canada, 24-26/4/2013. A. Malamou, C. Pandis, P. Stefaneas, P. Frangos, A. Karakasiliotis and E. Kallitsis, ‘An Autofocusing Post-Processing Algorithm For ISAR and SAR Image Optimization based on Image Entropy Minimization - Modified Fractal Signature (MFS) Method for ISAR / SAR Image Classification’, 2nd International Conference on ‘Applications of Mathematics and Informatics in Military Science’ (2nd AMIMS), Vari, Athens, April 11th -12th, 2013. C. Pandis, A. Malamou, P. Stefaneas and P. Frangos, ‘Applying the modified fractal signature method to image classification: some preliminary results for ISAR radar images’, CEMA’12 International Conference, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Athens, Greece, 8-10/11/2012. A. Malamou, A. Karakasiliotis, E. Kallitsis, G. Boultadakis and P. Frangos, ’An autofocusing algorithm for post-processing of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images based on image entropy minimization’, CEMA’12 International Conference, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Athens, Greece, 8-10/11/2012. C. Pandis, A. Malamou, P. Stefaneas and P. Frangos, ‘Applying the modified fractal signature method to image classification: some preliminary results for ISAR radar images’, SET 163 Working Group on SAR systems, DLR, Munich, 15 – 18/10/2012. A. Malamou, A. Karakasiliotis, E. Kallitsis, G. Boultadakis and P. Frangos, ’An autofocusing algorithm for post-processing of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images based on image entropy minimization’, SET 163 Working Group on SAR systems, DLR, Munich, 15 – 18/10/2012. A. Malamou, A. Karakasiliotis, E. Kallitsis and P. Frangos, ’An Autofocusing Post-Processing Algorithm for SAR Image Optimization’, SET 163 Working Group on SAR systems, Kavouri Attikis, Athens, Greece, 28 – 30/5/2012. E. Kallitsis, A. Karakasiliotis and P. Frangos, ’An Autofocusing Post-Processing Algorithm for ISAR Image Optimization’, Erasmus visit to the University of V. Turnovo, Bulgaria, 23 – 28/4/2012. P. Frangos, ‘Research at the NTUA, Athens, Greece, in the areas of ISAR / SAR radar signal processing and PO – SPM EM scattering problems’, presentation at the Eurasian National University (ENU), Dept. of Physics, Astana, Kazakshtan, 25/2/2012 to 6/3/2012. S. Sautbekov, G. Alkina and P. Frangos, ’Unsymmetrical electromagnetic wave diffraction by a long pipe’, CEMA’11 Conference, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria, 6-8 October 2011. E. Kallitsis, A. Karakasiliotis and P. Frangos, ’An Autofocusing Post-Processing Algorithm for ISAR Image Optimization’, CEMA’11 Conference, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria, 6-8 October 2011. E. Kallitsis, A. Karakasiliotis and P. Frangos, ’An Autofocusing Post-Processing Algorithm for ISAR Image Optimization’, 4th SET 163 Meeting, Dayton, Ohio, USA, 26 – 28 September 2011. I. Zorbas, A. Chrysostomou, E. Papkelis, P. Frangos and M.N. Georgieva – Grosse, ‘Three – dimensional Radio Coverage in Urban Environments using Physical Optics and Physical Theory of Diffraction’, ‘ICEAA-IEEE APWC 2011’ Conference, Torino, Italy, September 2011. E. D. Kallitsis, A. V. Karakasiliotis, G. E. Boultadakis, P. V. Frangos, ‘A Fully Automatic Autofocusing Algorithm for Post-processing ISAR Imaging based on Image Entropy Minimization’, International Conference ‘Electronics 2011’, Kaunas Technical University, Kaunas, Lithuania, 17 – 19/5/2011. E. D. Kallitsis, A. V. Karakasiliotis, G. E. Boultadakis, P. V. Frangos, ‘A Fully Automatic Autofocusing Algorithm for Post-processing ISAR Imaging based on Image Entropy Minimization’, presentation at National Military University, V. Turnovo, Bulgaria, and University of V. Turnovo, Bulgaria, 25 – 30/3/2011. E. D. Kallitsis, A. V. Karakasiliotis, G. E. Boultadakis, P. V. Frangos, ‘A Fully Automatic Autofocusing Algorithm for Post-processing ISAR Imaging based on Image Entropy Minimization’, presentation at the National Eurasian University, Astana, Kazakshtan, March 1, 2011. A. K. Goudosis, T. G. Kostis, K. G. Galanis, N. V. Nikitakos and P. V. Frangos, ‘Decision Support Subsystem for the Simulator-defined Radar Countermeasure System (Sim-dRCS) Concept’, SET 160 Symposium on ‘NCI / ATR in Air-Ground and Maritime Applications based on Radar and Acoustics’, Athens, Greece, 11-12/10/2010. T. G. Kostis, K. G. Galanis, A. K. Goudosis, I. A. Koukos and P. V. Frangos, ‘False Naval Target Verisimility Issues for Imaging Radar Deception’, SET 160 Symposium on ‘NCI / ATR in Air-Ground and Maritime Applications based on Radar and Acoustics’, Athens, Greece, 11-12/10/2010. E. Kallitsis, G. Boultadakis, A. Karakasiliotis, I. Tseremoglou, E. Stergiannis, H. Hristakis, E. Grigoratou, A. Vagianou, P. Frangos, T. Kostis, E. Papkelis and S. Pintzos, ‘An Autofocusing Algorithm for Post-processing ISAR Imaging based on Image Entropy Minimization’, SET 160 Symposium on ‘NCI / ATR in Air-Ground and Maritime Applications based on Radar and Acoustics’, Athens, Greece, 11-12/10/2010. G. Kalognomos, P. Frangos and T. Kostis, ‘Performance Analysis of the PAPES Spectrum Estimation Method and its Application to the ISAR Imaging of Air Targets’, SET 160 Symposium on ‘NCI / ATR in Air-Ground and Maritime Applications based on Radar and Acoustics’, Athens, Greece, 11-12/10/2010 (presentation and corresponding paper in the Proceedings). S. Sautbekov, R. Kasimkhanova and P. Frangos, ‘Modified solution of Sommerfeld’s problem’, CEMA’10 International Conference, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Athens, Greece, 7-9/10/2010. E. Kallitsis, G. Boultadakis, A. Karakasiliotis, I. Tseremoglou, E. Stergiannis, H. Hristakis, E. Grigoratou, A. Vagianou and P. Frangos, ‘An Autofocusing Algorithm for Post-processing ISAR Imaging based on Image Entropy Minimization’, CEMA’10 International Conference, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Athens, Greece, 7-9/10/2010. N. Triantafyllou, I. Ouranos, P. Stefaneas and P. Frangos, ‘Using the OTS/CafeOBJ Method to Formally Specify and Verify the Open Mobile Alliance License Choice Algorithm’, International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems (WinSys 2010), Pireus, Greece, July 2010 (corresponding paper published by ‘Springer’ Editing Company). A. Chrysostomou, I. Zorbas, E. Papkelis and P. Frangos, ‘Radio Coverage Simulation for Three - Dimensional Urban Environment using Physical Optics, Physical Theory of Diffraction and the Near-to-Far-Field Transformation Method’, ‘Days on Diffraction 2010’, Annual International Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 8-11, 2010. A. Chrysostomou, H. Moshovitis, I. Zorbas, S. Papkelis, H. Anastassiu and P. Frangos, ‘A Three - Dimensional Radio Coverage Prediction Model for Urban Outdoor Environment using Physical Optics and Physical Theory of Diffraction / Calculation Results of Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves from a Rectangular, Perfectly Conducting Plate using an Extended Three Dimensional Stationary Phase Method which is based on Fresnel functions (SPM-F)’, presentation at the University of Valladolid, Dept. of Telecommunications, Spain, 22 – 27/2/2010. N. Triantafyllou, I. Ouranos, P. Stefaneas and P. Frangos, ‘Algebraic Specifications for OMA REL Licenses’, ‘WiMob’2009’ Conference, Marrakech, Morocco, 13 – 14/10/2009. A. Chrysostomou, I. Zorbas, E. Papkelis and P. Frangos, ‘A 3D Radio Coverage Prediction Model for Urban Outdoor Environment using Physical Optics and Physical Theory of Diffraction’, ‘Communications, Electromagnetics and Medical Applications Conference’, CEMA ’09, Sofia, Bulgaria, 8-10/10/2009. A. Karakasiliotis, G. Boultadakis, G. Kalognomos, V. Massinas, A. Lazarov, L. Stergioulas and P. Frangos, ’Recent and Current Research on ISAR Imaging at the National Technical University of Athens’, Presentation by P. Frangos, International Workshop on ‘GNSS Satellite Tracking using Laser Techniques’, Metsovo, Greece, September 2009. A. Doukeli, A. Lioumpas, G. Karagiannidis, P. Frangos and P. Mathiopoulos, ‘Increasing the efficiency of Rake receivers for ultra – wideband applications’, International Conference on Communications Systems and Technologies (ICCST 2009), Oslo, Norway, 1-3/8/2009. G. E. Boultadakis, G. K. Kalognomos, L. K. Stergioulas, A. V. Karakasiliotis, and P. V. Frangos, ‘A Comparative Study of Bilinear Time–Frequency Transforms of ISAR Signals for Air Target Imaging’, 73rd meeting of SET 112 International Working Group on ISAR Signal Processing Techniques, Bonn, Germany, 16 – 18/6/2009. A. Karakasiliotis, G. Boultadakis, G. Kalognomos, A. Lazarov, L. Stergioulas and P. Frangos, ’Recent and Current Research on ISAR Imaging at the National Technical University of Athens’, 13th International Conference ‘Electronics’, Kaunas, Lithuania, 12 – 14 May 2009. H. Moshovitis, H. Anastassiu and P. Frangos, ‘Computational efficiency of the extended three – dimensional Stationary Phase Method enhanced by Fresnel functions (3D-SPM-F)’, EUCAP’09 International Conference on Antennas and Propagation’, Berlin, Germany, 23-27/3/2009. Ch. G. Moschovitis, H. T. Anastassiu and P. V. Frangos, ‘Calculation Results of Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves from a Rectangular, Perfectly Conducting Plate Using an Extended, Three Dimensional Stationary Phase Method which is Based on Fresnel functions (SPM-F)’, presentations in the framework of the Erasmus Programme, Military University of V. Turnovo, Bulgaria (9/3/09), Technical University of Sofia, Dept. of Applied Mathematics (10/3/09), Univ. of Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria (11/3/09), Univ. of Sofia, Dept. of Physics (12/3/09), Univ. of V. Turnovo, Dept. of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgaria (13/3/09). A. Karakassiliotis, A. Lazarov, G. Kalognomos, G. Boultadakis, L. Stergioulas and P. Frangos, ’Recent and Current Research on ISAR Imaging at the National Technical University of Athens’, 72nd meeting of SET 112 International Working Group on ISAR Signal Processing Techniques, DSTL, Salisbury, United Kingdom, 17 – 19/2/2009. Papoutsis, I., Kontoes, C., Massinas, B., Paradissis, D., and Frangos, P., ‘Assessing the pre-seismic and post-seismic displacement in the Athens metropolitan area by SAR Interferometric Point Target Analysis, using ERS and Envisat datasets’, in Proc. FRINGE, Frascati, Italy, 2009. H. Moshovitis, H. Anastassiu and P. Frangos, ‘Calculation results of scattering of electromagnetic waves from rectangular perfectly conducting plate using an extended three dimensional Stationary Phase Method which is based on Fresnel functions (SPM-F)’, ‘Communications, Electromagnetics and Medical Applications Conference’, CEMA ’08, Athens, Greece, 6-8/11/2008. A. Karakassiliotis, A. Lazarov and P. Frangos, ISAR imaging based on two – dimensional GTD scattering model’, ‘European Microwave Week – European Radar Conference 2008’ (EuRAD’2008), 29/10/08 – 31/10/08, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. G. Kalognomos and P. Frangos, ‘Performance analysis of a Parameterized APES (PAPES) method for ISAR Applications’, 70th meeting of SET 112 International Working Group on ISAR Signal Processing Techniques, Rome, Italy, 24-26/6/2008. H. Moschovitis, H. Anastassiu and P. Frangos, ‘Extended Stationary Phase Method based on Fresnel functions (SPM-F) for the calculation of three-dimensional scattering of electromagnetic waves from rectangular perfectly conducting plates’, ‘Days-on-Diffraction 2008’, International Conference, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 3 - 5, 2008. E. Papkelis, H. Anastassiu and P. Frangos, ‘An Enhanced Method Based on LLDC Theory for the Computation of Near \ Fresnel Zone Diffraction from Finite Edged Scatterers’, ‘EUCAP’07 International Conference on Antennas and Propagation’, Edinburgh, UK, 12 -16 November 2007. A. Karakasiliotis, G. Boultadakis, A. Lazarov and P. Frangos, ‘High – Resolution Stepped Frequency Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging Using Time – Frequency Transforms’, ‘Communications, Electromagnetics and Medical Applications Conference’, CEMA ’07, Sofia, Bulgaria, 25 – 27/10/2007. A. Karakasiliotis, G. Boultadakis, A. Lazarov and P. Frangos, ‘High – Resolution Stepped Frequency Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging Using Time – Frequency Transforms’, 68th SET 112 International Working Group and Meeting on ISAR Signal Processing Techniques, ONERA, Paris, 9-11/10/2007. Iakovos Ouranos, Petros Stefaneas, Kostas Barlas, Stefanos Demertzis, George Koletsos and Panayiotis Frangos, “Modeling Real Time Authentication Protocols using Algebraic Specification Techniques-The case of TESLA Protocol”, IFIP TC 7 2007, Krakow, 23-27 July, 2007. A. D. Lazarov, A. Karakasiliotis, and P. V. Frangos, ‘Two-dimensional ISAR Signal Modeling and Imaging for Stepped Frequency Modulation’, 67th SET 112 International Working Group and Meeting on ISAR Signal Processing Techniques, Athens, Greece, June 26 – 28, 2007. E. Papkelis, H. Anastassiu, P. Frangos and B. Massinas, ‘Near field scattering methods applied to radio-propagation modeling in urban outdoor environments’, 2007 IEEE International Symposium, Antennas and Propagation Society, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, June 10 – 15, 2007. E. Papkelis, H. Anastassiu and P. Frangos, ‘PO / PTD near – field scattering and diffraction method for path loss prediction in urban mobile radio – systems’, ‘Days - on – Diffraction 2007’, International Conference, Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 29 – June 1, 2007. Iakovos Ouranos, Petros Stefaneas and Panayiotis Frangos, ‘A Formal Specification Framework for ad hoc mobile communication networks’, SOFSEM 2007, Student Research Forum, vol.2, pp. 91-102, 20-26 January 2007, Harrachov, Czech Rep. for the full publication list click here | |||||||||||||||||||
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